Monday 17 September 2012


hey jammers its RIM today just incase you didnt know rim stands for rare item monday but any ways here it is
rare winter coat
 avalible in the hot coca hut in mt.shiver members only thougt sadly

Sunday 16 September 2012

i was glitched

yet another wierd glitch i came back from the aj b day party and all of a sudden my coulors were shaded black
 weird hey well what exuse will aj use this time i wonder
now this pic is kinda weird you can stand on water and places your not supposed 2 i have a few examples here

animal jam birthday party

happy 2nd birthday animal jam and here are some picks for those of you who have not seen the party yet
 and if you click the flame of this candel you get a slice of bday confetie cake

beta times

hey guys i have found a few items that i am not sure about the question is are they beta or not anyways here they are if you know if they are beta or not let me know
and this is what was in jama central before the bulliten bord a circular cement thing with an emrald in the middle(i do not really know the type of gem in the middle i am just gussing no one really know if it was meant to be an emrald)              more coming soon!

clothing glitch

looks like a clothing glitch weird do you guys think this actual goes around her neck? leave your ansewrs and other glitches in the comments

coral canyons glitch

hey jamers bella3589 here to tell you about the cool coral canyons under the bridge glitch

first you stand right were magical is

open somones profile that is on your server
next open the game tab and select any game
next click the circled area under best dressed

 your animal should generaly go along the blue line check out all the cool places you can go
 you are standing on a cactus magical what do you expect

 somone call 911 best dressed is on fire!

 we see you magical

 worlds first ever flying bunny

 go magical go

 ummmm magical that a plant

 magical has REALLY done it this time

 magicals new friend mr. gopher

 awwwwwwwwww baby snake
jama is pretty busy in the fall
its fall jamers do you know what that means. it means all new jama township! here are a few photos for those of you that have not seen it
playing in the leafs eh magical

Friday 14 September 2012

this is my bff awsome berreyflower
hey guys this time i wanted to tell you about a few of my closest friends

this is my friend pioneer he is usally found at partys

this is my awsome friend magical!  haha just kidding this is me!
this is my awsome friend rosy berrymoon she is super fun to be around and kind of looks like me
this is blossom fun to be around and can normally be found at epic dens

if you want to be on my blog comment and leave your aj username!

Monday 10 September 2012

new items

hi jammers bella3589 here to tell you about some other great aj items avalible in jama
here we have the new phantom throne membs only
and the new golden throne membs only though
both avalible only in epic wonders get your today!
hey jammers bella3589 here to tell you about the awsome new items avalible in jama first up round glasses avalible to all jammers (yay)
next up backpack avalible to all jamares(yay again)